Accounting Page

Paul S Rushefski has a BS Degree in Accounting from Wilkes University
He has worked as a Controller for Two Companies with over 6 Years Experience in that role
He has been working in the accounting field since 1980
Paul has over  29 Years Experience dealing with all forms of Accounting Issues
His technique is very unique in that he gathers your data from your on line banking.
No need to hand Paul piles of cancelled checks.  All data is retrieved from your bank on-line.
All coding is done in his office where he processes the incoming data into live financial statements

Paul's Office is located at 1274 Franklin Street Old Forge, PA 18518
His direct phone number 203-417-9363 where can receive phone calls, text messages, e-mails, PDF's, Excel files and will adapt to what comes in the future.  He is determined to stay current with all technology and keep all data current.
Office phone is 570-504-8314 Voice Only.